We're looking for dent removal panel beaters in the following regions:
Aquitaine / Auvergne / Bretagne / Centre / Ile-de-France / Limousin / Midi-Pyrénées / Nord-pas-de-Calais / Normandie (basse) / Normandie(haute) / Pays de la Loire / Picardie / Poitou-Charentes
see the map
can you have a CAP or a BEP in automobile bodywork or paint and experience of at least one year.
Or you are a bodywork or mechanical workshop manager.
You like working in the field and you like to meet challenges and take on responsibility.
You can prove real independence and enjoy contact with people.
You like work that is well done.
You're responsible for developing Exelcar’s client portfolio and making clients loyal. To work with automobile professionals to repair second-hand vehicles, to work on new vehicles to remove dents caused during transport, and on hail-damaged vehicles.
A permanent contract
A paid 420-hour dent removal technique training course to teach you about our technique and our tools.
Sales training.
A fixed salary and a variable turnover-based commission depending on your investment.
A company car and a cell phone.
Many challenges.